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4 Keys to Every Good Social Media Campaign

Social media campaigns are definitely in vogue, and likely will be for the foreseeable future. It's very easy to get a campaign launched, but it's tricky to run these campaigns correctly. With all of the strategies and data available, where do you get started? To help you with these, below are four things that you will need to do with any worthwhile social media campaign:

Sort Your Priorities

Before going live with your campaign, you need to sort out exactly what your priorities are. Of course, your one and only priority will be to boost your company's profitability. This is great, but you need to be a bit more specific about how you are going to do that. Rather than launching a generic campaign to promote your company, look at a few different ways that could really benefit your brand.

Do you want to launch your company's new website? Perhaps generate buzz around a new product line? Maybe you want to re-brand your company and get the message out there? Whatever it may be, make sure you have one or two tangible goals in mind before moving forward with your campaign.

Engage with Participants as Much as Possible

Don't just set up your campaign and ask people to blindly share your company's social media pages and website links. In order to generate a real buzz around your campaign, you need to actively engage with participants. This means responding to as many posts and submissions as possible. You don't need to spend a long time coming up with great responses to every comment—although you should do this for the best ones—but you need to at least acknowledge every positive submission that comes your way.

When it comes to online marketing, prospects are really keen to see the human side of your business. If you fail to do this, you run the risk of coming across as cold and distant, and no rational person will want to help your campaign out. However, if people see you taking the time to engage with them and others, you can really send a great message out that will bring significant benefits to your business.

Keep a Tab on Your Numbers

In order to gain maximum benefit from your campaign, you need to keep a close eye on your numbers. Too many small business owners launch a campaign that starts off great but starts to dwindle after a few days and nobody notices. To avoid this, make sure you regularly review your success metrics.

How close are you to the target number of shares you were looking for? What about the number of submissions to your competitions? Understanding these finer details not only lets you measure the success of your most recent campaign, but also gives you some indication as to how to improve things next time round.

Follow Up with Leads

Managing a social media campaign can be challenging, particularly if you have a large number of followers across a number of different platforms. However, ensure you have a plan in place for converting prospects into leads once the campaign wraps up.

Of course, you will already be in regular contact with a large number of people that interact with your campaign. But for your new contacts, make sure you have a plan in place to convert their initial interest into a long-lasting relationship. This means having a plan in place with defined touch rates to ensure your prospects are customers weeks, months, and years into the future. This can take time to pull together, but having this structure in place will allow you to move prospects seamlessly through the buying process and beyond.

To learn more about using social media for self promotion, contact a local digital marketing services company.
