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3 Features To Look For In Trucking Software

How smoothly your trucking company operates depends on a number of factors, including the trucking software that is used to manage the fleet. Therefore, it is important to carefully evaluate any new trucking software that you are considering for your company. Here are just a few features you should look for in your next software.   

Mobile Integration

Your drivers likely use a number of mobile devices throughout the day. You can use this to your advantage. Trucking software that offers mobile integration can help your drivers with logging everything from mileage to maintenance checks straight from their mobile devices.  

Some software even has equipment that you can install in the trucks to log data that is needed to manage the fleet. For those drivers and other staff who do not have mobile devices, the cost of providing them with company devices can easily be offset by the time and money saved on having an employee log countless sheets of paper into your system.  

Messaging Center

Communications with your truckers and other staff does not have to be always in-person and through oral measures. To save time and to avoid miscommunications, you can look for a trucking software program that offers a messaging feature.  

The messaging module would allow you to communicate with several people at once and ensure that everyone is on the same page. The messages can even be archived so they can be reviewed again in the future.  

Commercial Navigation

As you are aware, driving commercial vehicles on the road requires an ability to identify routes that are friendly to large vehicles. A simple GPS navigation system will not be sufficient enough to help your drivers on a daily basis. Trucking software that includes navigation software for commercial vehicles can. 

Using the software, you can map out the route for multiple vehicles to help them avoid situations, such as weight limits or low bridges. The commercial GPS navigation system can even provide your drivers with routes that are not generally known to regular consumer drivers. As a result, your drivers can get to and from their drop points in the most efficient manner possible.  

Work with a trucking software company agent to help assess your needs and to learn what other features are available that could be beneficial to your business. Be sure to take advantage of the trial period so you can get an ideal for which features work and do not work for your business. 
