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Business Travel: iPhone Charging Stations Ideal for Hotel Rooms

While you are traveling for business, it's often crucial for you to have a charged device ready. This is ideal for contacting family members back home, coordinating your trip, and preparing for all types of business meetings or sessions. When you are staying at a hotel room, it may be a good idea to bring a charging station along with you. iPhone charging stations have the ability to keep your devices fully charged and ready to go when needed. Having one can also help you stay organized in a hotel room. Instead of placing your iPhone in a random location, the charging station will keep things organized and allow you to easily grab your phone when it is needed. As you prepare for your business trips, you should know that there are multiple charging-station features that cater directly to use in hotel rooms. Browse through each of these features to help you select the best options for your business needs.

USB Port Capabilities

As you book a hotel room, you'll likely find that it's hard to predict how many outlets will be available in your room. If you're using other devices like a laptop or printer, you may not have the outlets that you need to properly charge other wireless devices. This is why it's a good idea to purchase a charging station with USB power-source port options. This allows you to plug the charging station into another device like a laptop. The laptop can supply the charging power while it gets powered through a wall outlet. This type of charging-station feature also makes it easier to keep all of the devices organized in one location instead of spread around the whole hotel room and plugged into random outlets.

Drawer Charging Stations

Look for a charging station that lies flat and can be inserted into drawers. As you stay in a hotel room, you may not want to leave your valuables left out in the open. Using a charging-drawer station can make it a lot easier to keep your devices charging and out of sight. For example, if you need to charge a tablet while the room is getting cleaned, then you can place the charging station inside of the drawer and lay the tablet flat on top of it. Using a flat charging station can also help prevent devices from falling or sliding off and getting damaged.

Smartwatch Adapters

The world of smartwatches is constantly growing, and smartwatches are used for many business needs. As you travel for business, you can keep your smartwatch fully charged by purchasing a charging station that has a smartwatch adapter built into it. These adapters are essentially a stand to hold and charge your smartwatch on. One of these can easily keep the device in place and allow you to charge the watch without just laying it out in the room. These adapters typically work with any smartwatch and can make having one of these watches ideal for your business travels. 

Folding Charging Station

While you are traveling and staying at hotels, you may want to pack as light as possible. A folding charging station can help with this process. These compact charging stations are typically made for a single device. They feature a small fold-out shelf with an anti-slip material to securely hold a phone in place. This allows you to keep your phone near the charging outlet without having to place it on the ground or stretch the cord out until it can reach another surface, like a table. A folding charging station will typically feature a large hole opening that makes it easy to use with any type of plug or adapter.

While planning your business travels, it's a good idea to choose the features that are most important to you and you will get the most out of while staying at hotels. Talk to a company such as TYLT to learn more about your options.
